In Genesis 22 you will find the story of Abraham and him willing to obey God and sacrifice of his only son Isaac.  It is hotly debated among the Bible scholars if this was an actual event.  In the oldest variations of the text, Abraham seemingly does kill Isaac.  How can anyone believe that?  It was an act of faith on Abraham's part.  God was testing his faith.  I believe Abraham was willing to obey God and sacrifice his only son, but deep in his heart he believed God would spare Isaac.  No one knows the truth except God.  Scriptures say that this act of faith by Abraham showed God Abraham could be trusted to obey Him fully.  God knows everything and the out come even before it happens.  
      Some wonder who truly wrote down the word of God.  I know and believe God called the scribes to write down his word on scrolls, truthfully writing God's words and laws for us to read and obey.  I believe the original scrolls that were found are the writings of the scribes God called to write his word down.  The written word was preserved for us through the ages and not just by word of mouth.  The true word of God came from God himself to the scribes he called to write his word down.
      We know thru the Word of God, that Isaac was spared.  Abraham obeyed God and lifted up his sword to kill his son Isaac.  As we know from scripture, Abraham was stopped and saw the ram in the thicket, which he took and placed it on the alter instead of his son Isaac.  God spared Isaac.  What we do not know is what was Isaac's reaction to be put on the alter and almost being killed.  On the way to the mountain, Isaac questioned his father, what would they sacrifice on the alter?  Even knowing in his heart that Isaac was the sacrifice,
Abraham told Isaac that God would provide. 
      One man David Jacobs said these verses in Genesis 22 caused him to dive deeply into Bible literature.  He suggests that all Christians research this for themselves.  David states that these verses opened his eyes to a new understanding of who actually wrote the Bible and why it was written.  I already know the answer to both of those questions.  The Word was written by the scribes called by God and written down for us to read and study till the end of time.  David goes on to say the Old Testament was written by humans.  That is true.  Both the Old and the New Testaments were written down by humans, but guided by the Holy Spirit.  The Old testament was translated into Hebrew from the original scrolls.  The New Testament to Greek.  Were there mistakes made by the translators, YES.  But the important parts of the word are all translated the same, by the Holy Spirit.  
      There are many versions of the Bible out there.  Written or translated by one person or two or three.  There is only one true translation and that is God's.  I truly believe God had the word written down to preserve it in truth to the later gene- rations of his people.  He knew the later generations would learn to read and write and they could study for themselves the true Word of God.



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