Hello this is Connie James.  I wrote my mom's life story for the Mother's Day Program at the Claremore Church May 11, 2024.  

Eletha was named Letha Nell Hinds at birth. She was named Letha for her Aunt Minnie Aletha Hinds and Nell for her mother Martha Nell.  She was born March 20,
1932 at the General Hospital in Muskogee, Ok to Oscar and Martha Hinds of Ft. Gibson.  She is the oldest child of seven.  In 1934 her family moved to Inola on her granddad John Hinds' 80 acre Farm and began attending the church in Inola. 

At the age of 15 she took Jesus as her Savior in 1947.  She was baptized by Elder Kenneth Walker in Inola.  Two years later at the age of 17, on July 21, 1949 she married James "Leon" Johnston in Willcox, Arizona and the ceremony was conducted by Elder Kenneth Walker.  

In September of 1952 Leon, Letha and their son Larry moved to Claremore, Okla. and attended the church there.  She was very active in her church.  She served as a Sabbath School Teacher, a VBS Teacher, Secretary and Treasurer of the Sabbath School, Secretary and Treasurer of the Women's Group called the Lydia Club. Her and Leon was custodians of the church building for about 5 years.  

For the first 15 years of marriage, Eletha was a housewife.  She and Leon had 3 children, Larry, Connie and Marlene.  She sewed for people and sold Stanley Products to bring in a little income, but in 1964 Leon became very ill and was in the Veterans Hospital in Muskogee for 4 months.  Eletha had to go to work outside the home to support the family.  She first worked in a Health Food Store and Bakery for Carrie Dickerson.  Later Carrie and her husband Robert built and opened Aunt Carrie's Nursing Home.  When the nursing home first opened Letha was the head cook at the nursing home on the evening shift.  The second year she trained as a Nurses Aid and worked a few years as an aid.  Later she trained and became a Certified Medication Aid for the next 13 years. By that time Carrie and her husband sold the nursing home and it became Wood Manor. 

After 45 years of marriage Letha became a widow.  Leon passed away July 30, 1994 in the Claremore Regional Hospital.  She remained a widow for the rest of her life.  In 1998 she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  She was a Breast Cancer Survivor.  In 2002 she was diagnosed with lymphoma and battled that for 12 years. Eletha passed away December 28, 2014 at the age of 82 in the St. John's Hospital in Tulsa of Kidney failure. She was a very caring and godly woman.  She gave lots of time, love, care and help to others.  I have been told by many she was loved by many and truly missed.  I know I miss her still.  God finally gave her peace.  I truly believe she will come out of her grave to eternal life at Christ's Second Coming.  I am trying to live my life as a child of God and pray I will see her again in the 1,000 year reign of Christ.  

Thanks for listening to my story.  God Bless.


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