This is a study on the Mark of the Beast and the setting aside by God of the Seventh Day Sabbath for worship.  I have taken my information from a Bible Study written by Brother John McAlexander of the Church of God (Seventh Day).  This organization is not affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church organization.
I would like for all of you to take your bible and study the Mark of the Beast for yourselves. It will not be a physical sign in your forehead or hand. That mark happened back in the dark ages. God's mark or sign will be in your mind and in your heart and your hand doing what is right. God's sign is him putting his commandments in our minds (foreheads). No physical mark will be on peoples heads or hands. The end of time began at the death of Jesus Christ and will continue until the end of this old sinful world when Christ's returns with his saints from the clouds of heaven. No one goes to heaven or hell at the time of death. The body goes into the grave, the thoughts of the person perish. No thoughts or feelings in death. The body turns back to dust from which it came. The breathe or spirit of that person returns to God who breathed it into the nostrils of Adam and he became a living soul (body). The Mark of the Beast or seal of the beast is the beast's sign of his followers. Revelations 14:9-11. If any man worship the beast (this is not Satan. He is the dragon spoken of in Revelation.) and his image and receives his mark in his forehead (in his mind, not a physical sign.) or in his hand (physical acts), will be a sign for those around them that they are followers of the beast. The beast is a power of man or the world. Read 2 Thessalonians 1-5. Christ said, Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first. That man of sin will be revealed, the son of perdition...who will exalt himself above all that is called God...showing himself as God. Jesus told his disciples when he was yet with them, what things would come to pass. There are three clues as to who the beast is. First clue: who is the beast? he makes himself out to be God. Judas Iscariot, the betrayer, was called a devil by Jesus. "Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil". Jesus was talking about Judas Iscariot the son of Simon. This devil, Judas, was a counterfeit among the twelve disciples. The mark of the beast will not look like his mark. The mark will look like the truth to the Christians. Second Clue: The beast here is a power, not a person, but will have the power to make himself out to be God who should be worshiped. He will look so much like God that even Christians will see him as one to worship. This beast power will deceive the whole world and look like a religion. Read Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world". Worship is usually associated with a King or Kingdom. The beast who administers His Mark will look like God sitting in the temple of God and showing he is God. Religions are the beast. Third clue: The Beast goes against the Commandments of God. He will THINK to change Times and Laws. Daniel 7:25 "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and THINK to change times and laws." The Beast did try to change the times and laws. This has already happened by the Roman Catholic Church. The 7th day of the week, Saturday, God set aside for rest and worship and is one of His 10 commandments, number 4. Most Christians today, worship on Sunday. Why? God never changed any of his laws. I receive many answers. Many say Gods 10 commandments and other laws were nailed to the cross. You will not find any scripture that says or even implies that. This beast is a Kingdom power or government. Perhaps the reason God calls the governments of this world "Beast" is because the governments of this world have always been fighting among themselves, tearing one another to pieces like beasts. In Revelation 13:13 we see that the kingdom power will speak great words against the most High, The book of Revelation is a propholific book. In this book are the visions of John given to him by God. You will see that this kingdom power will think to change times and laws. We know in certainty that during the biblical times, the day for worship was set by God from the beginning. Each day began in the evening. In Genesis 1 in the 6 day week of creation, God set the day from evening to evening. sundown to sundown. Genesis says ...and God divided the light from the darkness. He called the light day and the darkness night. When God was creating the earth he would end each day with saying and the evening and the morning were the first day, second day, and at the end of the sixth day God saw everything he had created and behold it was very good. and the evening and the morning were the sixth day. God set up the pattern for the days of the week. His day stared at the evening of one day to the evening of the next day. This cycle has never been changed by God, only by man. God ended his week of creation on the sixth day. He set aside the 7th day and hallowed it. He ceased from creation and rested on the 7th day of the week. He set it aside for us to rest and worship him. Doing only the things toward God. Not our own pleasures. The whole household, family, servents, animals and work was not to be done from evening, set of sun on Friday until evening on Saturday. The early Christians worshiped and ceased work on the 7th day. Bible times, the days of the week were not named. So comparing it to our weekly cycle now, the first day of the week is Sunday, second Monday etc. The seventh day is Saturday and God's Holy Sabbath Day. Changing of times is attributed to the Roman Catholic Church. Our calendars are different from the first calendars set up. The first calendar was the Hebrew calendar. As in Daniel's time. The Roman Calendar was Julian calendar was the next one to be made by the Roman Church during the 15th Century and named after Julius Caesar. The Julian Calendar was replaced by the Roman church in 1582 by the Gregorian Calendar name after Pope Gregory XIII. Each new calendar had errors and things were changed. The Roman Calendar is the one we use today. This information is found in Wikipedia Encyclopedia. The Roman Catholic church initiated the time change for each day from sundown to midnight to midnight. And the beginning of the year from early Autumn to Winter Solstice, to beginning in January. This is the same format used today. Doesn't this sound like think to change times? Of course this did not change God's accounting of time and days.


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