Romans 6:1&2 - "What shall we say then?  Shall we continue
          in sin that "grace" may abound?  God forbid...!"

          Grace is there to overpower and overcome sin in our lives.  This does not mean we should continue sinning so there will be more grace.  That is very unwise thinking.  We should strive to live out God's will for our lives, while submitting ourselves to the grace that changes us.  We should never delight in sinning.  It does not glorify God. 
          We can never Praise God Enough.  Think about all the times we hear the name of God in the course of a day.  It should make us cringe that most of the time his name is used as a curse or swear word.  God gave us mouths to praise his name, not to curse.  It would be nice if people had the same respect for God's name as the Jewish people did.  They were very upset when Jesus said he was I AM.  It is a hope that none of us is guilty of this.  If we do, I pray we ask forgiveness from God for using his name in vain.  The Jews wouldn't even speak God's name because they believed that using a person's name, gave them power over them.  
          Now days parents are warned not to put their child's name on their clothing or backpacks because someone may call them by name and take advantage of them.  We need to make sure when we call upon God, we are praising him and asking for forgiveness, thanking him for his blessings and asking him for our needs or the needs of others.  Help us to NEVER take God's name in vain and pray for those who do!

posted by *Starlight* October 14, 2023    


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