Pastor Barry has started a new Sermon Series entitled "Animals of the Bible".  The first one he presented was at the Fifth Sabbath All-Day Meeting on September 30, 2023.  The title of the sermon was, "Go To The Ant."  
          In today's sermon entitled "Fishers of Men", Pastor Barry read the key verse found in Matthew 4:19,  "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."  The first scripture he turned to and read was found in Matthew 4:18-22.  The question was asked, "What does it mean to be a fisher of men?"  The sermon is about Jesus calling his twelve disciples.  Most of the twelve he called were fishermen.  God calls those who are hard workers.  Most fishermen and those called are hard workers and make lots of sacrifices to follow Christ.  
          At that time there were teachers that were called Rabbis.  A Rabbi had many disciples who followed him around and were taught by him.  Christ told those he called that he would make them Fishers' of Men.  He listed three points for us to remember:  1. God draws you to him to follow Jesus.  2. You have the choice to follow Jesus or not.  3. Jesus will train you into what you should be.  In Luke 5:1-11 Is Luke's version of Jesus calling the men to become HIS disciples.  
          Christ was walking by the lake of Gennesaret (Galilee).  He saw two ships by the water.  The fishermen were out of their ships cleaning their nets.  Jesus entered the ship of Simon (Peter) and asked him to launch out a little ways from the shore.  Jesus sat down and taught the people out of Simon's ship.  After he was finished speaking, he told the fishermen to throw out their nets again for to get a catch.  Peter said, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing, but nevertheless because of your word, I will let down the net.  When the fishermen let down their nets the second time they caught a multitude of fish, causing their nets to break.  They called their partners in the other ship to come and help them draw in the nets.  The catch filled both ships and they began to sink.  Peter fell down at Jesus' knees saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O, Lord.  Peter was astonished at the catch.  Jesus said to Simon, "Fear not, for hence forth you will catch men."  
          If you believe in Christ, you will follow him.  After they brought their ships to land, they forsook all and followed Jesus.  When you decide to follow Jesus, your old man dies to fleshly lusts and you become a new creature!  Jesus has the power to transform you.  

I really enjoyed this message.  I hope you do also.



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