In the beginning days of Christianity, the people would still gather in the Synagogues on Saturday, the seventh day of the week, to listen to the reading of the Torah and the prophets.  On Sunday, the first day of the week, they would assemble at the homes of the church leaders for a celebration of the Lord's Supper and share the Gospel stories as well as any letter's of instruction or other news.  In this scripture, Paul is telling the Corinthians that their behavior at the gathering on the first day of the week, was inappropriate.  They were not supposed to be coming for a free meal, but to break the bread and drink the cup, in remembrance of Jesus' death.  Many denominations have a Eucharistic Service either every Sunday or once a month in remembrance of the Last Supper Jesus took with his disciples. They take bread (wafers) and drink wine.  This service is very similar to the bread and wine that are blessed at the Friday night Shabbat Services in Jewish homes and is also part of the Passover Service at the Seder.  (Note: Jewish families hold a Seder on the first and sometimes on the second night of Passover.  It is fundamentally a religious service set around a dinner table, where the participants eat, pray, drink wine, sing, discuss current social justice issues, and tell stories from a central book called the Haggadah.  (note:  A Seder is integral to Jewish faith and identity.  If not for the divine intervention and the Exodus, the Jewish people (Israelites) would still be slaves in Egypt.)  The Seder is an occasion for praise and thanksgiving and fore re-dedication to the idea of liberation.
          The Corinthians were abusing this practice and Paul was calling them out.  He warned those who were to blame, that God would not be happy with their behavior and that if they were eating and drinking in an unworthy manner, they would bring judgment upon themselves.  I'm sure that you are offended, as I am, if someone makes a mockery of a sacred religious rite.  If we are offended, imagine God's affront at those who were making a mockery of the Lord's Supper.  May we show respect to all forms of Worship and not mock them?  Ms. Taylor prays:  "Loving God, I am offended when you are mocked and when those who worship you are mocked.  May I never mock anyone who worships you in truth and love!  Amen.

Note:  Now days you hardly ever hear of churches celebrating Christ's death by taking part in the Lord's Supper Service.  Catholics have what they call communion every Sunday.  From what I have found, only the ones worthy can take part in a communion service.  Jesus did not command his disciples to take part in such a service weekly.  He instructed them at the end of the last Passover, he had with his disciples to celebrate his death.  Jesus instructed them to celebrate the Lord's Supper Service yearly.  Some churches such as mine, the Church of God (Seventh Day) (not 7th Day Adventists) celebrate the Lord's Supper Service yearly on the 14th of the Jewish month Nisan, beginning at sundown.  The month of Nisan falls in either the month's of March or April, around Easter time, now days. My church doesn't celebrate Easter or Christmas.  God told us in his word to Remember Christ's death.  Not his birth nor his resurrection. I believe that is why you will not find the exact day Christ was born.  It was in the fall, not winter.  The shepherds and their flocks were outside in the fields. If it was winter, they would be inside their folds. 

This article was posted March 15, 2018 on Word Bible App (KJV) as an inspiration by Ms. Frances Taylor.

copied by *Starlight* to her blog Starlight's Journal, September 29, 2023 


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