I want to share with you the story of the beheading of John the Baptist.  The story is found in Chapter 14 of Matthew.  It also includes the story of Peter walking on the water. 

          King Herod thought Jesus was John the Baptist.  He heard of Jesus' fame.  Herod said unto his servants, "This is John the Baptist, he is risen from the dead; and therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him."  Of course it wasn't John the Baptist.  It was Jesus.  
          Herod wanted to put John the Baptist to death because John told him it wasn't lawful to have his brother's wife, Herodias.  He wanted to put him to death, but feared the people, because they called him a prophet.  
          At Herod's birthday, his niece, his brother Philip's daughter, danced before him and it pleased King Herod.  So he told her by an oath, he promised to give her whatever she wanted.  She had been instructed by her mother Herodias, to ask for the head of John the Baptist in a charger.  When the King heard what she asked for, he was sorry he had made the oath to her, but as to honor this oath, he said to the ones at the meal for the head of John the Baptist, and be given to her.  
          John was bound and put into prison and later beheaded.  Then his head was brought in a charger to the damsel; and she brought it to her mother.  John's disciples came and took up the body of John and buried it, and went and told Jesus. 
          When Jesus heard of this, he departed by ship to a desert place, apart from others.  And when the people heard where Jesus had went, they followed him on foot.  When Jesus saw the multitude following him, he had compassion toward them and he healed the sick.  So when evening came, his disciples wanted him to send the multitude away, so they could go into the villages and buy themselves food.
          But Jesus said to his disciples to give the multitude something to eat.  All they had were 5 loaves and two fishes.  Jesus told them to bring the 5 loaves and two fishes to him.  He commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and he took the loaves and fishes and looking up to heaven, he blessed and brake them and gave them to his disciples to give to the multitude.  They all ate and were filled.  His disciples took up the fragments that remained.  12 baskets full.  They that had eaten were about 5 thousand men, plus women and children.  After they all had eaten, Jesus told his disciples to get into a ship and go the the other side of the water before him, while he sent the multitude away.  
          When Jesus had sent the multitude away, he went up a mountain alone to pray.  The ship was in the middle of the sea, tossed with waves and contrary winds.  In the fourth watch of the night, Jesus walked to them in the ship on the sea.  When his disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were afraid saying, "It is a Spirit" and cried out for fear.  Straightway Jesus spoke to them, "Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid."  Peter answered Jesus, "Lord, if it be you, bide me to come to you on the water."
Jesus said, "Come", Peter came out of the ship and walked on the water to Jesus.  But when Peter saw the boisterous wind, he was afraid and began to sink.  He cried, "Lord, save me!"  Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and said to Peter, "O, thou of little faith, why did you doubt?"  And when Jesus and Petter got into the ship, the wind ceased.  Then the others who were in the ship came and worshipped Jesus saying, "Of a truth you are the Son of God." 
            Jesus said, "O, ye of little faith.  Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe!"   

note:  A charger is a bowl or deep dish.  Silver vessels are given to the heads of the tribes for the services of the tabernacle.  The charger on which John the Baptist's head was placed, was a platter or flat wooden trencher.  The chargers of gold and silver in Ezra 1:9 were probably basins for receiving blood of sacrifices.  This story is found in Matthew 14.

written by *Starlight*  2023



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