Hinds Genealogy


          I got all excited at the end of last year (2022) thinking I had traced the Hinds Family back to England.  I decided to do a little research of my own.  I went to FamilySearch.com and looked up William H. Hinds born in Tennessee.  Guess What???  I found him!!! 
There he was!!!  What a let down for me when I started looking at his family records.  The dates I had for him were there and matched.  The problem was there was a thirty year gap between his older brother James and him.  How could the records be correct? 
          Fast forward to July of 2023.  I am on face book and come across the name Tim Hinds.  I look at his picture and it's not a familiar face.  I have a cousin Tim Hinds and that isn't his picture!  I decide to contact this Tim Hinds and see if he has family information that would show we are related.  At first he didn't think so. He said his Hinds Family shows up in New Jersey Colony British Colonial America.  His family moved to North Carolina Colony and then on in to Tennessee.  That information is what caught my eye.  My great great grandpa William H. Hinds was born in Tennessee.  Tim sent me a link to a site where his family genealogy was posted, FamilySearch.com.  I was very skeptical to go and look at the site.  It was a very familiar one.  That is the site I went to back in 2022 to look up my great great grandpa.  How could this search be any different????  Guess What???  William H. Hinds was there listed as William Henry Hinds.  The family record had been modified.  He was with the same family, but there were two more children born between him and his brother James.  Even after that search I decided to go back and write down what I had found.  The family record had changed again.  
          The last search I did on my great great grandpa goes back to England to a Robert Hinds. Please, make sure when doing research on these sites that the records being posted has documentation to back it up.  The records can be modified by any family member.

Below I have listed my Hinds ancestors:   
  1. Robert Hinds born abt.1493 in England
  2. Thomas Hinds born abt.1517 in England
  3. Thomas Hinds II born 1547 in England
  4. Thomas Hinds III born abt.1587 in England
  5. James Haines born 1613 in England 
  6. James Haines II (James Hinds II) b:12/27/1647 Salem, Mass. Colony British Colonial America 
  7. James B. Hindes (James Hinds/James Hinds III) b:9/26/1670 New Jersey Colony, British Colonial America 
  8. Privt. Joseph Simeon Hinds b:6/17/1705 New Jersey Colony, British Colonial America 
  9. Captain John Henry Hinds b:6/09/1745 New Jersey Colony, British Colonial America 
 10. John Henry Hinds II b:7/08/1778 Guilford Co. North Carolina Colony, British Colonial America
11. William Henry Hinds b:8/26/1840 Bradley, Tennessee, U.S.  
12. John Henry Hinds b:10/24/1863 Arkansas United States 
13. Charles "Oscar" Hinds, Sr. b:1/23/1896 Braggs, Indian Territory/OK
14. Eletha(Letha) Hinds Johnston b:3/20/1932 Muskogee, Okla. U.S.
15. Connie Johnston James b:12/14/1952 Claremore, Okla., U.S.




written by Connie James,  August  2023.                            


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