I haven't posted much about me to my blog in some time.  Lot's has been happening in this New Year.  Not all good.  February brought even more challenges.  

I had three deaths occur of people whom I knew and loved. My Uncle Charles Hinds died Monday February 14, 2022 in his sleep.  His Funeral was February 22, 2022 in Claremore, Oklahoma.  It was suppose to rain on Tuesday so no graveside service was planned.  Next my best friend since 1969 Anita Holt McAlexander passed away Thursday February 17, 2022 of COVID.  Her Funeral is to be tomorrow February 25, 2022 Graveside.  Sad part is we have bad weather right now. Sleet and snow on the ground.  So the family may not get to have a funeral.  The third person is someone I have known all her life, Margaret Eddy Hall.  Her family parents Lawrence and Betty Eddy and brother Max, grew up in the church with me.  She passed away Wednesday February 16, 2022 of lung cancer.  Her Funeral was Sunday February 20, 2022 in Fort Smith, Arkansas.  Please keep these families in your prayers.

On top of the three deaths, I was diagnosed with COVID on Tuesday February 8, 2022.  I thought my signs were just a virus or my sinus allergy flaring up. I had been sick since the week before.  I took my neighbor to the Indian Hospital on Monday February 7, 2022 to get a pregnancy test. (It was positive).  She was sick with an infection in her head, but the hospital didn't even treat her for that or give her a COVID test.  On Tuesday she went to work and at the Day Care they gave her a COVID test and she tested positive.  Her husband immediately took a test even though, he didn't have any symptoms and he tested positive.  So I was the next to get tested on Tuesday afternoon and I tested positive.  My husband and I had both been sick, him first. So when I tested positive he called his work and they advised him to stay home until Monday and get a test taken.  He couldn't get into the clinic here in town for a test.  We thought Wal-Mart gave the test but they don't.  He needed one so he could go back to work.  I called the local pharmacy and asked if they gave the tests.  They didn't, but had some home tests in stock.  He went up and bought one and took it.  Praise God he tested negative. 

They say deaths come in threes.  I guess for me it did. I also had problems in threes.  First the COVID, then I just couldn't seem to get my stomach to stay settled much to want to eat.  I figured out what was going on there.  I have a form of Acid Reflux called GERD. I am on a medication for severe heart burn, especially at night. My doctor had me cut back on the medication if I didn't need it as much.  I was only taking it every other night.  I am not to eat or drink acidy foods on a regular basis.  Not a lot of citrus.  I had been stretching myself thin in my diet.  I am finally better from that, but am really cautious of what I eat now.  The third problem was on Wednesday February 16, 2022, I went to get groceries for the first time by myself since I had been sick way back in the end of January.  I was at the trunk of my car putting my groceries in.  I was turning to finish loading  and turned wrong from the position I was standing.  I didn't realize I twisted my knee until I was putting some more groceries in.  I twisted my right knee so bad it made me nauseated.  It hurt so bad I could hardly walk.  I was able to finish loading and drove home, but I could hardly put weight on my right knee.  Now I am on crutches.  If the knee doesn't completely heal it is recommended I go to an Orthopedic doctor for an MRI.  I went to the ER and they took an x-ray and said they couldn't see any broken ligaments, but there could be more damage. The ER diagnosed me with a bad sprang to my knee. They put me in a wrapping split and on crutches and told me to rest, ice, use caution, and elevate.  RICE.  I am not sure the right word was caution.  I am to laze and sore to want to dig through my papers to see what the correct word is. 

I have one more thing to share about my trip to the ER.  I feel I failed in being confident God will help us through anything, if we truly believe and pray.  I have no problem with belief he can do anything, heal anything.  What I always have a problem with is, will he do it for me.  Mostly in the time frame I think he should.  He has been there for me so many times.  You would think I would put my full trust in him and do the right thing with my knee.  I was going to call up to the clinic here in town to have it looked at, but they don't do x-rays.  I prayed about it and prayed my knee would be better in the morning.  For some reason I felt I needed an x-ray.  The clinic could have looked at it, put an elastic bandage on it, given me crutches and sent me home to heal.  Just as the ER did except with an x-ray. I suffered with more aches than sharp pain. Never thought to take a pain reliever or put ice on it to help with the pain through the night. I started to try and drive myself to the clinic or the ER in Claremore.  I fretted over it all day.  Finally when my husband got home from work, he took me to the ER.  I felt so stupid after going to the ER when all they did was put a wrapping brace on the knee and put me on crutches.  The Clinic would have done that and would have been less expensive.  My insurance probably won't pay much on this.  I had to ask about ice, before I looked at my instructions of release.  I didn't look at that until just recently.  

Rick and I talked about my trip to the ER.  I kept apologizing for panicking about the whole thing.  He was so tired from work and was in pain of his own.  He could hardly walk.  But we both agree this was God's plan.  While waiting on me in the ER he was able to witness to a young man in the ER.  We call him a boy, but he was probably in his early 20s.  He was very sick from drinking to much the night before.  Rick offered him a drink of water, but he refused. He was afraid he would throw it up.  Rick talked to him and told him, God loved him.  

Sometimes when things happen and we panic and don't put enough faith in God, he uses it for his good.  Always trust in the Lord.


*Starlight* said…
It seems like no one reads my blog. But I know of at least one person who does. But no comments are left. So I decided to make a comment myself. I didn't set this up for fame. I had been using notes on Face Book, to put down things that were bothering me. But that turned out not to be the place to post such things. It was therapy for me. I stared this blog several years back for a place to post family history information, articles on doctrines of my church, and just my life. I didn't use it for quite some time. When notes was discontinued on Face book, I came and revived my blog. If you read any of my blogs please at least show you read it. You don't have to make a comment. Thanks for your time. Starlight

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