I am sure you can figure out what the title of my blog is about. What you might be wondering is how is that possible. I think I had informed everyone, that I no longer have internet at home. I am on my daughter's laptop and she is able to connect to the neighbor's wireless internet. For some reason me and my son cannot connect to this connection. I won't be using it all the time. I still plan to go to the library two days a week to post and check my email.

I wanted to report what a nice service we have had the last two Sabbath's at church. I may have already done this on one of my previous blogs. Now that I began typing this up, I cannot remember what was in the last blog I posted. This could be a repeat, so I won't go into detail. I just want to say the last two Sabbath's have really helped my spirits. Another thing, God has answered one of my prayers. I was able to sell my pick-up this past week. My brother lives on a very busy street in Claremore. He has been able to sell several different vehicles there in a very short period of time. So I decided to park my pick-up there. The very first day a guy came by and looked at it. He left me a message on my phone, but I couldn't reach him until a couple of days later. He was still interested. I didn't get my full asking price, but close enough to it. He gave me a down payment and is going to pay me off weekly. It will only take about 4 weeks. I was a little leery of this, but I felt God sent him and he was so open and accomdating about signing a paper and me keeping title until it is paid for. THANK YOU LORD! He is to call and make arrangements with me to meet and him pay me. Pray this will all happen without a hitch. I had really been down and felt has if I couldn't take much more stress. God knows what he is doing. He was probably waiting for the right person to come along. Possibly to help us both out. You have to be patient and trust God knows and is doing what is best for your situation. It can be quite hard to do! I know it was for me. Please continue to remember me in your prayers.

I feel bad and think I should give pktbook writer an apology. We have been corresponding about the keeping of the Feast Days in this day and time. I sent him some information and he sent me some back with his opinion on it. I really appreciated it, but haven't had the time to really sit down and take it all in. I scanned over some of it briefly, when I first received it in the mail. What little bit I reviewed hasn't changed my mind on the subject. I still don't feel anyone is answering my questions. Maybe when pktbook writer sends me his study, I will understand. I know you are probably getting tired of me repeating myself, but I need to understand before changing my views on the subject. I guess it just isn't time for me to understand or God is telling me, what I believe is right. We will have to wait and see.

I don't have a lot of time to post tonight. It is getting really late. I am almost too tired to finish, but wanted to take advantage of the laptop and connection. It's is 1:40 a.m. central time. I probably won't make it to Bible Class in the morning. I definitely want to make to Worship, lunch, and video on the history of the Sabbath at 2:00 p.m. We have a full day tomorrow. It will be the second Sabbath service with our new pastor. That sounds so good. Having a pastor will help the church grow spiritually. We need that.

God Bless you all and have a Great Sabbath!



Hi Starlight,

No apology is needed. I know you are busy.

But just to confirm, I have sent you everything. I sent comments on the two Bible studies from Israel Haeger you sent me with my comments in red. I also sent you my own Bible study on the subject. I sent them via email and also paper copies by regular mail. I think I answer all your questions in the three documents I sent you. I also posted my own Bible study in my own blog, so you can see it there.

I hope will find the opportunity to read the material through, especially the Bible study I did, before the Days of Unleavened Bread arrive, because they are coming up shortly.

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