Has the Church of God (7th Day) ever been or is now protestant is the big question today. This was brought to my attention by Cogwriter. I have been in contact with Cogwriter for several months now. He is a member of the Living Church of God. He posts articles on the internet about the Church of God. He posts articles about his church's beliefs and what he thinks of the Cog7 and their teachings. As most of you know Herbert W. Armstrong was the founder of the World Wide Church of God. The Living Church of God broke off from the World Wide Church of God. I think I have stated this in one of my previous posts, Mr. Armstrong was a member and an elder in the Church of God (7th Day) back in the 1930s. He left to start his own group because the Church of God (7th Day) doesn't teach you need to keep the Feast Days, given to the Israelites, today.

The Church of God (7th Day) has never been protestant. The denomiation is Church of God. The church isn't Protestant, Catholic, Baptist or any other denomiation you might want to list. The founders of the Church of God did not come out of the Catholic Church. They were never members of the Catholic Church. The founders came from the church talked about in the Bible in the book of Acts. Yes, the church are protestors of the Catholic Church. The reason I am writing this blog is I read an article cogwriter has posted on a website that he was glad Elder Whaid Rose, President of the General Conference of the Church of God (7th Day) has admitted that the Church of God is protestant. Here is the website address if you would like to read it for yourselves.

Cogwriter states that he was in attendance at the General Conference Meeting of the Church of God (7th Day) in Overland Park, Kansas July 2007. I was in attendance also. Elder Rose stated that the Church of God (7th Day) is protestant. I for one do not agree with him. I didn't like the fact that Elder Rose made that statement for the whole church body. Cogwriter states in the article that he is glad Elder Rose finally admitted that the Church of God is protestant. So I guess he agrees with Elder Rose. I was raised in the church and have been a member for about 43 years. I had never heard that statement until Elder Rose made it at Conference.

The church founders never taught or stated that the Church of God was protestant. Quite the opposite. The founders taught that the church wasn't of any denomination. It was just what the name says, Church of God. As I stated in the beginning, the founders of the church did not come out of the Catholic Church. They were never members, but were not protestants either, although they protested against the Catholic Church. They came out of the Millerite Movement back in the 1800s. I have since found out that many of the leaders of the Church of God (7th Day) believe the church is protestant. When Elder Rose made the statement at Conference, I felt he should have stated that it was "his belief " that the Church of God was protestant. He shouldn't have spoken for the church body. I have contacted Elder Rose about his statement.

I would like to dedicate this blog to Elder Melvin Sweet. He passed away suddenly on Saturday December 27, 2008 in Stanberry, Missouri. He was an elder in the church for many years. I met him for the first time in about 1962, when I was about 9 years old. I am also aquainted with his wife and daughters. They are in my prayers with his passing. He was the pastor of the Stanberry, Missouri church and leader of the "LITES" program, which is housed in the old Midwest Bible College building in Stanberry. His dad was a minister, Elder J.B. Sweet of Texas, as well as one of his brothers, Elder Belton Sweet of Vinus, Texas. I met his dad and brothers and their families at Dover Campmeeting near Kingfisher, Okla at the same time I met Elder Sweet. He will be greatly missed.

My mother and her brothers suffered a loss on Saturday. Their sister Mary Hinds Green passed away at the Claremore Regional Hospital in Claremore, Oklahoma. She was born in Inola, Oklahoma in September of 1944. She was 64 years old. Mary was only 5 years old when my mom married. She was 8 when I was born. Before she married, I use to spend a lot of time with her after church on Sabbath at my grandparent's home. I was her Maid of Honor at her Wedding in December of 1966. She was my friend as well as my aunt. In later years she had alienated herself from the family. I didn't see her very often. A few years ago, she suffered a stroke and was bound to a wheel chair. On Saturday she was in the hosptial because of her diabetes and was getting ready to go home. Mom and her brother Charles and his wife Gail Hinds, I guess went up to see her at the hospital. She was getting ready to go home and something happened. Mom said the hospital thought she must have had a blood clot. Her funeral will be sometime this week. Please remember the family in prayer.

Time for me to bring this to a close. It's about bed time. Toady began another week. Tomorrow it is back to work for most of you. I wish I could come up with a way to make money on the internet and not have to go back out in the rat race to bring in some extra money. Continue to pray that I can find something soon.

God Bless


I think COGwriter did not mean to say that Church of God Seventh Day is protestant. I think he is saying that he is glad that Mr. Rose is willing to publicly protest or disagree with the Catholic Church. Bob Thiel (COGwriter) understands (I think) that the Church of God Seventh Day traces its roots from the original New Testament Church of God and not from the Catholic Church. Bob Thiel is a strong advocate for Living Church of God, which itself traces its history to the Church of God Seventh Day.

When Worldwide Church of God went through big changes in doctrine after 1986 and members and ministers were leaving in droves, I studied the literature and teachings of Church of God Seventh Day more than I did before, and I visited a congregation once. My impression is that Church of God Seventh Day has also been going through some doctrinal changes, but at a much slower pace than Worldwide did. Joseph Tkach was able to make big changes very rapidly because he had the power to make those changes and was not accountable to any board for his doctrinal decisions.

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