It is a beautiful Sabbath morning. We did wake up to sunshine, but now it is a little cloudy, and a little windy. That's okay, it is fall. I had decided not to write my blog on Sabbath, but it seems to be the only time I can get to it. I really didn't feel I was doing anything wrong writing it on the Sabbath, I just felt I could use my time for better things. Maybe God is telling me it's okay.

When I first started this blog, I said it would be for my thoughts, genealogy and Biblical discussions. It has turned out to be mostly my rambelings. So today I thought I might type a little family history on the James side. I am only a James by marriage, but very interested in family history. I have worked for a few years on my side, and still don't have it done or up to date, but I have started on the James and Thomasson sides.

The James Family had a family Picnic at Greenleaf State Park back in October. It was going to be a reunion, but there had already been a couple back in June of this year. Cousin Charlene James and I decided to call it a Family Picnic. We were afraid it wouldn't be very well attended because of the gas prices, but they had went down quite a bit by the time the event took place.
It had also turned kind of chilly weather wise. The day turned out great. It was a little windy, but the sun was shining. About 40 people signed the guest list, so that wasn't so bad. I met a cousin I hadn't met before from Ada, Oklahoma. Got a little bit more family information.

Many family members have been trying to find the James connection to the outlaws, Frank and Jesse. We have been told by many older members that we are related. My husband's grandpa told him they were cousins. Great-great Grandpa Melton posed as Jesse James. We don't know much about him. That is the problem with connecting the family. He was very secretative and didn't talk about his life before moving to Oklahoma. We do not know who his parents were, or his siblings. He lived back in the woods and hardly ever went into town.

One cousin said the James boys came to their house in the backwoods of Oklahoma and visited quite often. My husband's grandpa said his dad or grandpa played with the boys in the Cookson Hills. I just wish the older members would have written their stories down. It will all be lost very soon. I am trying to write down things I am told to preserve it for the future generations. Right now my children really aren't interested, but my youngest daughter said, when I am gone, she will keep the history to pass on. I pray that she will.

We had a death in the church and family this week. Sister Dorothy Brunson died last Friday evening and they buried her on Tuesday November 11, 2008. The services were held at the church in Claremore. Her and Lavell had been married over 50 years. We had their 50th Anniversay celebration a few years ago, at the church. The Brunson Family and mine are inter-married many times. Some Brunsons I am kin to and some I'm not. Sister Dorothy's daughter Karen is married to my cousin Ken. Also my mom's first cousin Bill is married to Lavell's sister Joyce. Bill's niece Joyce is married to Joyce and Lavell's brother Guy. My sister was married to their nephew Joe. When I married my husband, I thought I was getting out of the mess, but Lavell's youngest sister married my husband's uncle. So there is another connection. Sister Dorothy is without pain. She has been through a lot over the years with her health. She has been in and out of the hosptial many times. She has had many surgeries. Lavell said she was ready to go. She has been a Christian many many years. She believed in God. She is in a better place. No more suffering and pain. Just waiting for Christ's return. I believe the time is getting very near. We need to pray for our Country and our Leaders.

I thought I was going to have more time to write this, but time is clicking away. I need to get ready for church. I am suppose to lead the singing during the Worship Hour today. I had already picked out some songs, but have had second thoughts. I want to pick out different ones.
If I don't get going, I won't have time to do that. So that means I need to hurry and bring this to a close.

I pray you are having a Blessed Sabbath Morning. I will pray that your services be a honor and glory to God. Saturday is my favorite day of the week. It is the end. A time of rest and re-flection. It's great having a day at the end of the week for this. No yard work, house work or sectular job to do. Sit and relax or nap and let God talk to you. Let your worries go and let God be in control. Although you should do that every day of the week. My husband and I look forward every week to the Sabbath. We often say Thank God it is Friday. We truly mean that.
As the Bible says, "Man was not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath was made for man." God needed time to rest from all his work. Aren't you glad we have the Sabbath?

God bless you all.



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