The title probably sounds confusing. But that is what kind of day it is. It rained this morning, it is very windy and now the sun is out. But the sun keeps coming out and then going behind the clouds. I imagine we will have more rain soon.

I have been posting my blog on Saturday after church. I have had second thoughts about that. I think it is something I need to do after sundown or on Sunday. The Sabbath can be put to better use. Not that I feel it is work, its just extra activity that can be put off to a later time.

I know most of you are probably getting tired of hearing about the library and how bad I was done. But as I say almost every time I post something, this is for me. For my thoughts, history, feelings, stories or whatever I want to write about. I have found out the board has hired Paula Corle as the Director, no surprise there. But she told a friend of mine, she was going to run the library by herself without an assistant. She told another party that she already had someone in mind to assist her, and was pretty sure she would get the job. I know that person also. I didn't realize she and Paula knew each other. She use to be the assistant librarian at the High School Media Center. I have known her for many years. Our two youngest daughters use to be friends and my daughter spent lots of time over at their house. They live about a couple of blocks from me. Paula, the assistant, and I, all live in the same housing addition. I do truly wish them luck.

We had a nice service at church yesterday. Yes, SATURDAY. As most of you know, I am a Sabbath (Seventh Day) keeper. We are not Adventist. The two organizations are about the same age. We both came out of the same movement back in the 1800s. Then Herbert W. Armstrong, who started the World Wide Church of God was an Elder in our church back in the early 30s. He left to start his own organization, The Radio Church of God.

Back to the service yesterday. At this time we do not have a pastor. We have been without one starting on two years now. Our pastor moved to Michigan to be the Youth Pastor of Spring Vale Academy. The church oriented High School. Our local church board tries very hard to have someone in the pulpit every Sabbath. If they are unable to have a minister in the pulpit, they have lay members speak. We usually have someone bring a message. Our speaker yesterday was Brother Ron Grubis. His family has been in the church for many many years. He is a school teacher by trade. He taught at Spring Vale Academy, the church High School in Michigan, at one time. The Adult Sabbath School Lesson was on the Betrayal of Christ. What is peculiar is that lesson is the same one Cortnie and I studied last Sabbath. Very interesting even after so many studies about it. You learn something new each time you study it, if you are looking for something new. The story itself doesn't change, but you find new things that happened. I guess that is why they say the Bible never grows old.

My niece Kristin Johnston, my brothers oldest daughter, has taken on the job of our local youth group. We have been without one since our pastor moved to Michigan. The pastor's wife was the FYC sponsor. The younger group has really been missing out on a lot of good things. I was in the youth group, when I was that age, and so was my two older children. The activities the local group brought was the ones I could be involved in. Most of the school activities I couldn't, because most of them were on Sabbath. Kristin was in our youth group locally and now is in the SWORD group for people 18-35. She has taken this task as a temporary postion to see how things go between now and December. She feels a burden on her heart to get a group going again. Our young people locally are missing out on a lot they need from their church. Another woman in our church had ask for permission to start up the group again, but I guess things didn't work out for her. We need to pray for Kristin and the youth of our church. The church nation wide is losing our youth after they get into their twenties. We need to stop that trend NOW.

I pray all of you will have a good week. Just remember, let God be in control. It makes things so much easier. Your life is so much less stressful. I know that for a fact. I am going through a very rough time right now. If it wasn't for me putting it into God's hands and letting Him be in control, I think I would have been pushed over the brink as far as my sanity is concerned. It is more upsetting for my husband, and I keep trying to reassure him, if I have put it in God's hands and believe He will take care of it, I can't worry about it constantly. I have to show my faith. I will continue to pray for Him to be in control. I have faith all will be well again.



I enjoyed your blog. This is the first time I read a blog by a member of the Church of God (Seventh Day). I found your blog because I was searching on the term Herbert W. Armstrong.

I used to be a member of the Worldwide Church of God while Herbert W. Armstrong was alive. After he died, Joseph Tkach was in control and began changing doctrines, and the Church split up into many fellowships. I still consider myself a member of the Church of God and still believe the doctrines.

I have often had a curiosity about the Church of God (Seventh Day). Reading some of your older posts where you talk about the Sabbath, the coming return of Christ, clean and unclean meats, going by the Bible for all doctrine, etc. reminds me of how much the Church of God (Seventh Day) has in common with the Church of God that followed Herbert W. Armstrong

If you are ever curious about his teachings or what is happening with the the churches that follow his teaching, let me know. I will be glad to answer any questions as best I am able.

I look forward to when we can all be together in the kingdom of God.

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